Sunday, December 30, 2007

New eCards Site

Great free eCards here

I've checked this new site out and they have some really cute new HD eCards. Try them out and send them to all of your friends!

Create your own HDcard at

Friday, December 21, 2007

Hidden In Plain View - Bleed For You

Happy Holidaze!

It's that happy time of year again - crazy holiday shopping. Doesn't everyone celebrate that?? I sure do! He He!! Or is that Ho Ho! :)

At any rate, I wish you and yours a very merry holiday season this year. I hope the new year brings to you the brightest blessings.

Herbal Remedies For Sinus Infection

By Alvin Toh

Many people are affected by sinus problems each year. Once you get a sinus infection you are almost assured of getting more in the future. Many medications fail to help get rid of sinus symptoms such as headache, stuffy nose and infection. Herbal remedies for sinus have been used successfully for centuries. They are safe and easy to use and have no ill side effects that most medications have.

Here are some herbal remedies that can effectively treat sinus infections.

Licorice – The root of this herb helps reduce inflammation and stimulates the immune system to fight sinus infections. There are two types of licorice products. Be sure to take licorice capsules that boost the immune system and not those for treating ulcers.
Eucalyptus – This is a fragrant herb that soothes sore throats. It also has antiseptic properties and can help shrink swollen tissues such as swollen sinus passages. It is readily available in throat lozenges, which are a convenient way to take it. You can also drink eucalyptus tea. It is very helpful to steep some eucalyptus in a large pot of boiling water and use as an inhalant to unblock nasal passages.
Peppermint – The anti-inflammatory properties of peppermint help to calm mucous membranes. You may drink peppermint tea or steep the peppermint and breathe in the steam. The scent of peppermint when inhaled helps to ease your breathing.
Ginger – Ginger has long been known to relieve and prevent headaches. It is anti-inflammatory and contains substances that relieve pain. Take in capsule form, according to directions.
You can also prevent a sinus infection by taking certain herbs, supplements and foods.
Lemon balm – Lemon balm is helpful in fighting off viruses and bacteria. Steep the dried leaves for 10 minutes in hot water. Strain and drink the tea warm. Alternatively, lemon balm tea can be used as a gargle.
Echinacea – Echinacea helps boost the immune system and makes it function better. It has been known to kill some viruses of the respiratory system. Take in capsule form. Increase the dosage at the onset of illness and decrease after several days. Do not take if you have an allergy to ragweed.
VitaminsVitamin C and zinc can help to lessen the duration of colds as well as to keep the symptoms down. Many sinus infections come from lingering colds. By fighting a cold early, you can help stave off a sinus infection. Take supplements in the form of capsule or lozenge during cold season and especially with the onset of any symptoms.
Foods high in antioxidants help to build the immune system and prevent infections in the first place. Some of these foods include blueberries, artichokes, red beans, cranberries and pomegranates. Try adding these foods in your diet to help boost your immune system and prevent a sinus infection.

Herbal remedies for sinus are better alternatives to drug medication. However, some herbs may have interactions with prescription medication so it is wise to check with your doctor before taking them.

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If you suffer from sinusitis, you surely know the pain and discomfort. There are 3 powerful natural ingredients for a sinus home remedy that can effectively get rid of a sinus infection. Find out how you can use this at-home remedy to cure your sinus infection within the next 24 hours at

Self Against City - The Process (Tonight)

HelloGoodbye - CallNReturn

HelloGoodbye - Shimmy Shimmy Quarterturn

Houston Calls - Exit Emergency

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Webmaster Tools And Resources At Your Fingertips

By Tom Takihi

As the Web continues to evolve as the venue for competition in business, the webmaster’s role is increasingly becoming critical. What exactly is a webmaster? He, or she for that matter, is essentially the administrator of a website.

What is a webmaster expected to do? Now that is another question all together – one that would take quite some time to answer. In a nutshell though, a webmaster performs all the activities necessary to keep a website up and running efficiently and successfully. Perhaps the first thing a webmaster is required to do is register a domain name and make sure that the payments to the Internet Service Provider and domain naming authority are made regularly. Otherwise, the website would be lost.

That is the easy part. Aside from this, the webmaster has a plethora of other tasks to attend to. He needs to be knowledgeable when it comes to the different protocols that the ISP uses. He also needs to monitor the size of the website so that he can make sure that the allocated bandwidth is not exceeded. He also needs to coordinate with the page designers and programmers. In connection with this, he must set the standards to be adhered to in the design of the website. Furthermore, a webmaster must set up a back up system in case of technical problems so that all the information contained in the site would not be lost.

The maintenance and other system operations also fall under the webmaster’s duties. Nowadays, you don’t need a degree in computer science or information technology to become a webmaster. All you need is the desire to be one, the skills – which can be learned outside of university, and the proper tools. There are numerous tools available to webmasters today. Some of them may be free while others are available for a charge. Some of the most important tools that a webmaster needs are a pagerank checker, links checker, meta-tag generator, link popularity tool, position report, backlinks checker, and pagerank predictor. One would also need tools to create essential parts of the website such as a guestbook, counters, and image hosting.

These tools, and more, allow the webmaster to ensure the success of his website. Without these tools, being a webmaster would be a daunting task at best. One could, of course, set up a website without the tools mentioned. However, with the intense competition for pagerank and visibility online, it is more than likely that the website would not generate the necessary traffic. As a result, it is essentially of no use to the business owner.

If you are planning on becoming an effective webmaster, you should start looking into the tools that you need. It is best not to leave things to chance. Search the Web for sites that offer such tools and services that will help you manage your site more efficiently. This may require some cash layout but it will definitely be worth your while as your tasks are made easier. In the end, the results that you want from your site will come to you.

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Tom Takihi is the owner of the Webmaster 77 website. To gain more information or to get those those vital free tools and resources for your website, please visit

Current Phase of the Moon

Raising Your Children, While Raising Your Income

By Brenda Davenport

If you’re like me, you left Corporate America, traded in your suits for tennis shoes and are staying home to be with your children. Maybe you’re just thinking about it at this point. You knew this was not an easy decision. It meant cutting your income in half, at least. However, when faced with the choice of working 40+ hours away from your children, you just could not envision that future.

You may have just planned to get by on one income until the children are all in school. Perhaps, you even thought about picking up some part time evening work.

You’ll be happy to know there’s a much better alternative to all of the above. Network Marketing. Yes, you heard me correctly. Why go back to earning an hourly wage at all? You can run your own business, manage your hours and set your own income. You’ve managed other employees, departments, offices, etc. in Corporate America, you certainly have what it takes to manage yourself.

Find a great business opportunity and outstanding team and follow their lead. The tricky part comes from the same blessing – you are doing this from home. Here are some tips I’ve learned.

Get your spouse on board. It would really be ideal if they joined you in the business. If that is not the case, at least have them on your side and create a work schedule. Trust me, they miss the other 50% of what used to be your income too.

Stick to the schedule. Yes, this is a flexible business and that is one of the biggest benefits. However, you have to treat it like the business it is. How many times would you have allowed someone in your organization not to show up for work in a month?

Create a workspace. Ideally it would be great to have a separate room for your office. Face it though, when you have four children, rooms are at a premium. Options: Unused formal living room, (how many dinner parties are you throwing these days with the little ones running around?) Basement, it may be cold or not that aesthetically pleasing but, if it’s like ours, your kids probably don’t want to go down there either. Just don’t make it your bedroom. When your business takes off, and it will, you don’t want to try to fall asleep starring at work you “could be doing”.

Set specific Mommy/Daddy playtime with the children during the day. This is over and above taking care of them. That way, when you “moonlight” your business into daytime hours your children know they’ve had or will have quality time with you that day.

Check into Mommy/Daddy helpers. These are neighborhood children, usually at least 10 years of age, who can come over after school a couple days a week to entertain your children while you work on your business. Your children should see this as a great treat of fun if you have the right helper.

Always have fun. It’s a serious business, however it doesn’t mean you have to stress about it. You’re in control.

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Brenda Davenport is a mother of four children who chose to stay home after having her twins. Her previous experience entails Sales Manager, General Manager, and Account Executive in the Personnel and Telecommunications industries. Current experience, Entrepreneur in Network Marketing. You may contact her at or visit her websites at and

Back to School Time Management

By Jill Hart,

The kids are headed back to school and it feels like you should have a lot of extra time on your hands. Why aren’t you able to accomplish all that needs to be done? Time management is a big struggle no matter what stage of life you’re in. As work at home moms, it is even more important that we manage our time wisely. Below are five tips on how you can accomplish more during the time the kids are in school.

1. Set your priorities – It’s important to map out not only what needs to be accomplished during the time that you have allotted each day, but also what things are most important. Make a list of the tasks that need to be accomplished and then rank them according to deadline, desire to complete, etc. Keep in mind that the more you can do while the kids are in school, the more time you’ll have with them the rest of the day. If at all possible, make time with you spouse and children the center of your day and try to work around it.
2. Schedule your time – Now that you know what order your list needs to be accomplished in, take the time to write out a schedule of how and when you will complete each item. This will give you a tangible way to see your progress each day. Your schedule doesn’t need to be set in stone - it needs to be somewhat flexible so that it doesn’t become burdensome. Having a plan of action will help you avoid distractions and accomplish more during the time you have available.
3. Delegate – Whenever possible, delegate tasks that can be accomplished by others. Have your kids stuff envelopes, have hubby print out business cards for you, and if you have a virtual assistant (VA), allow them to do some of the online work or phone calls for you. The best thing I’ve done for my business this last year is to hire a virtual assistant. She is fast, efficient and saves me a lot of time. I can be working with clients and making sales while she handles my article distribution and other tasks. The time saved is well worth the money spent.
4. Let the phone ring – Customer service is one of the most important parts of running a home-based business. Being available for your customers and being willing to answer questions is what will set you apart from the many other businesses out there. However, if you are working to accomplish a task that is important to your business it may be necessary to allow the phone to ring and the answering machine to handle some calls. I’m not suggesting that you ignore your customers, but that you use your answering machine for what it is – a message service. By knowing who has called and what they need, you can call your customers back when you have time to work with them without feeling rushed. Also, by knowing what your customers need before your speak with them you can make preparations ahead of time, thus spending less time on the phone and saving both yourself and customer time.
5. Take a Break – One of the biggest mistakes of work-at-home moms is to work too much. Because we are building our own businesses we feel that we will not succeed unless we’re working – or at least thinking about work twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This simply isn’t true. Taking care of yourself is one of the best things that you can do for your business. Focusing on something other than your business can give you clarity and help you avoid burn-out.
Running a home-based business while your children are in school is possible, but it does take efficiency and organization. It’s very important that you set your priorities and your schedule your time in a way that is flexible and that allows you to get the most accomplished in the time that you have available. Don’t get discouraged if it seems like you’re not accomplishing much some days. Rest, go easy on yourself and do your best.

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Jill Hart is the founder of Christian Work at Home Moms, CWAHM।com। This site is dedicated to providing work at home moms with opportunities to promote their businesses while at the same time providing them spiritual encouragement and articles। Jill and her husband, Allen of (Christian Work at Home Dads) reside in Nebraska with their two children. Listen to Jill’s radio show, Christian Work at Home Moment, at

Howdy, Howdy

Welcome to the new home of ME. I've gone from one site to another and have finally settled on my own here at NC TechnoGirl. I'll supply you with plenty of anecdotes about technology, business, family and life in general. Let me know what you think and as we go along I'll make sure to keep it interesting. Oh yeah, I just signed up to go back to college this is going to be one amazing BuMpY ride! WooooHoooooooo!!

Peace, Love, & Cracker Jacks!